Knives Of Alaska Cub Bear Hunting Knives
Hunting Knives Manufacturer: Knives Of Alaska
Knives Of Alaska Model: Cub Bear
Review Category: Hunting Knives
Purchase: Hunting Knives I purchased my Cub Bear at Joe Brooks Firearms in Brandon MB, Canada for roughly $50 with taxes and a sharpener. I was in need of a smaller knife for skinning coyotes/foxes, as well as for detail skinning and caping. I went to my local gun shop and asked them what they would use in such a situation and they mentioned the Knives of Alaska series of knives...specifically the Cub Bear caping knife.
Things I like about the Knives Of Alaska Cub Bear Hunting Knives: The features I like about my Cub Bear are the soft grip handle which allows for superior handling of the knife when your hands are all greasy with animal fat, or slippery with an animals blood. Another great aspect of the Cub Bear are the finger notches ground into the blade itself, they also allow the user extreme control for skinning and caping small detailed areas. It is also made of quality steel that holds and incredible edge, I even used mine last fall to completely field dress and skin 3 whitetail deer. It even zipped right up through the ribcage on all 3 deer like butter!
What I don't like about the Knives Of Alaska Cub Bear: I'd have to say the only downside of the Cub Bear is the leather sheath it came with, it has the big 'ole flap that covers the entire handle. I hear it was a new design and they have since went back to the older better design of sheath.
Hunting Knives Cub Bear quality: All Knives of Alaska are manufactured with the highest quality steel on the market. They also cryogenically treat all their blades during the manufacturing process to ensure the strongest, toughest, edge holding properties offered by any of the major knife manufacturers.
Cub Bear summary: I never leave home without my Cub Bear, it has done so much work for me in the last 2 years that it has paid for itself doubly, and will continue to pay for itself every time I use it. In fact, it is such a good knife, I went out this fall after deer season and picked up an Alpha Wolf for next years gutting and skinning needs! Leaving my Cub Bear to the tasks with which it was designed for...not that it can't do many other impressive jobs!
Rating for this Knives Of Alaska product: 5
Author of this review on Knives Of Alaska Hunting Knives: Brad Duncan
Date: 2009-02-18
Usefulness Rating: 3.10363 out of 5.
193 reader(s) voted.
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