BSA MD39x40 BSA Mil Dot Target/Hunting Scopw Rifle Scopes
Rifle Scopes Manufacturer: BSA
BSA Model: MD39x40 BSA Mil Dot Target/Hunting Scopw
Review Category: Rifle Scopes
Purchase: Rifle Scopes I purchased this scope on a air rifle for pigeon hunting and it would hold minute of angle at 50 yards. I used it for about a year target shooting and varmint hunting, primarily pigeons. I purchase a 223 Savage from Cabelas several week ago and could not hold better than a 3 inch group at 100 yard. I had the air rifle in the truck and removed the 3 x 9 Bushnell which I had to tried out with Cabelas with no luck. I proceed to put the BSA on the Savage, bore sited it and fire 3 rounds of Hornaday 55 SP at 100 yards and shoot a moa group with the first group
Things I like about the BSA MD39x40 BSA Mil Dot Target/Hunting Scopw Rifle Scopes: Accurate, ease of mounting, rings and scope clarity and ability to dial ranges in. I is a class a scope at a case B. I am going pig hunting and have already taken coyotes with scope. The quality of finish is very high and it came with excellent document and ranging specks which were for a high power weapon than a air rifle my rating of this scope would be a 4 with my Leopold being a 5. I purchased in a package deal but would guess I have 49 dollars in it.
What I don't like about the BSA MD39x40 BSA Mil Dot Target/Hunting Scopw: The sun shade is of to light of metal and the lens caps are screw on which make them useless in hunting. I don,t know if I said 200 words but I will try the scope out on my 7mm Rem Mag when I get another on just to see how good it really is and how tough it is.
Rifle Scopes MD39x40 BSA Mil Dot Target/Hunting Scopw quality: Better than average
MD39x40 BSA Mil Dot Target/Hunting Scopw summary: I have said that is would buy another which in my mind it putting your money where your mouth is. I am very upset that I purchased a package from a well know scope on it and got poor accuracy and service from it and took a scope that every one laughed at I was going to use
Rating for this BSA product: 4
Author of this review on BSA Rifle Scopes: Charlie
Date: 2009-05-13
Usefulness Rating: 3.35484 out of 5.
31 reader(s) voted.
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