Mepps #5 Aglia Spinner Dressed White Fishing Lures
Fishing Lures Manufacturer: Mepps
Mepps Model: #5 Aglia Spinner Dressed White
Review Category: Fishing Lures
Purchase: Fishing Lures I purchased the lure at Cabela's in Scarborough, ME on the way north for our weekly fishing trip. It was marked down that week to only $2.99. I have been a Mepp's fan for over 30 years, and we were tageting bass and pike, so we wanted larger lures. My girlfriend actually bought one as well.
Things I like about the Mepps #5 Aglia Spinner Dressed White Fishing Lures: We liked the larger profile, and we wanted to try to avoid the huge white and yellow perch populations in our favorite lakes. We are trying to accumulate a broad array of colors for various presentations. We already had fire tiger, chartreuse and black, so we needed white. The lure has one large treble hook, which would make releasing larger fish, like pike, easier.
What I don't like about the Mepps #5 Aglia Spinner Dressed White: There isn't one thing we do not like about these lures. We have caught numerous largemouth bass and northern pike on the two identical lures in Lake Annabessacook and Little Cobbosseecontee Lake. They have taken a beating, but are still intact and producing.
Fishing Lures #5 Aglia Spinner Dressed White quality: The construction is solid and the quality is unparalleled. The paint and dressed hook are taking a beating from the pike, but the structure shows no indications of failing. Mepps are fantastic lures, and we have been using them exclusively.
#5 Aglia Spinner Dressed White summary: We have switched to using Mepps lures exclusively because of the way they are producing for us. We have added to our tackle boxes so that we have lures for any species we target. We are primarily targeting largemouth and smallmouth bass as well as northern pike in the lakes in mid-Maine. We found a gem of a little lake last weekend (07/25/09) and caught seven gorgeous pike from the canoe all on Mepps spinners. We use both #4 and #5 Mepps spinners and have added some Musky Killers to try as well to see if we can locate some larger fish. We highly recommend Mepps spinners. These dressed white Aglias seem to be mimicking the local forage fish, which are smelt, shiners and white perch. The Mepps website states that they are not trying to imitate any particular forage fish, but I think they inadvertently are doing jsut that. Hey, it works for us every weekend!
Rating for this Mepps product: 5
Author of this review on Mepps Fishing Lures: Mark & Karen
Date: 2009-07-28
Usefulness Rating: 2.56592 out of 5.
311 reader(s) voted.
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