feam fitzgeald deer dander Calls Lures Scent
Calls Lures Scent Manufacturer: feam fitzgeald
feam fitzgeald Model: deer dander
Review Category: Calls Lures Scent
Purchase: Calls Lures Scent i bought this stuff at walmart for about 8 bucks and this stuff works great only problem walmart quit selling it around hear and its 15 bucks on line plus shipping
Things I like about the feam fitzgeald deer dander Calls Lures Scent: great cover scent.
What I don't like about the feam fitzgeald deer dander: nothing.
Calls Lures Scent deer dander quality: spray bottle easy to pack.
deer dander summary: this stuff works great more retailers should stock this product for the fair price i just dont understand why every time i find a product that really works why would they quit selling it. it just doesnt make any since to me. but if any body from wally world is listening please restock this product
Rating for this feam fitzgeald product: 5
Author of this review on feam fitzgeald Calls Lures Scent: deer dander
Date: 2009-08-17
Usefulness Rating: 5 out of 5.
3 reader(s) voted.
This feam fitzgeald Calls Lures Scent review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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