abu garcia abu garcia Fishing Reels
Fishing Reels Manufacturer: abu garcia
abu garcia Model: abu garcia
Review Category: Fishing Reels
Purchase: Fishing Reels I was at cabela's trying to buy a cheap reel i found a abu garcia reel and pole for 65 dollars in cash for it.
Things I like about the abu garcia abu garcia Fishing Reels: Its been 2 months now and its been up to my expectations so far i really like that it has a very smooth cast i have had no problems with it.
What I don't like about the abu garcia abu garcia: There really is much i don't like however the one thing is the grips on the reel if they get wet after taking off a big bass my hand slips that kind of upsets me.
Fishing Reels abu garcia quality: OK the reel is built very nicely with a 6.2:1 gear ratio a magnetic cast control that minimizes the chance of back lash which is working very nicely.
abu garcia summary: This pole meets a very high expectation of lots of people i have a few friends that also have this and i know we all are very satisfied with it.Also i think this pole should be put in a case after use that's were i keep mine i love it its reeled in many bass for me so i thank the guys that make the black max a lot they have made a phenomenal fishing pole.
Rating for this abu garcia product: 5
Author of this review on abu garcia Fishing Reels: jerry harris
Date: 2009-09-12
Usefulness Rating: 0 out of 5.
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