CVA Hunter Bolt 209 Magnum Black Powder
Black Powder Manufacturer: CVA
CVA Model: Hunter Bolt 209 Magnum
Review Category: Black Powder
Purchase: Black Powder I bought it at a Walmart using a BPS coupon for $126.95. Yes,I would almost say I "stole" it.hehehe I bought this gun because I saw a show on tv and was impressed on how well the 45cal shot and how accurate it was.
Things I like about the CVA Hunter Bolt 209 Magnum Black Powder: It is not over priced like some are. Granted I got mine with a coupon but it was only 169.99 regular priced. Shoots very well. I have shot 1 inch groups at 100 yards with Nikon 3-9 scope. Shoots 2 1/2" groups on the bench with 150grn/3 pellets pyrodex and powerbelt bullet. I have taken several deer,elk, one moose and a black bear with it. I have even used it to take rabbit.
What I don't like about the CVA Hunter Bolt 209 Magnum: I just wished it was stainless.
Black Powder Hunter Bolt 209 Magnum quality: It isn't the beefiest gun I've shot but when walking long distances that pays off. I think it is all a person really needs in a inline muzzle loader.
Hunter Bolt 209 Magnum summary: Well, I own 97 guns.It has become the only gun I take into the woods.Being from lower Michigan i use it for gun and muzzle loading seasons. I love the accuracy and feel of it when brought up to my shoulder. I could use several other guns for hunting but this one is the one I grab every time! I shopped around and did months of research before buying.I saved alot when buying this gun so I spent it on the optics. I consider tht the perfect trade off. I have taken deer at 400 yards with this gun and they have been shots that went right where I aimed them and been pass through shots.So it has more then enough power to take even large game.My all time favorite and could go on forever on how much it has won me over.
Rating for this CVA product: 5
Author of this review on CVA Black Powder: Larry
Date: 2009-11-04
Usefulness Rating: 2.90909 out of 5.
33 reader(s) voted.
This CVA Black Powder review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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