spider wire spider wire braided fishing line Fishing Line
Fishing Line Manufacturer: spider wire
spider wire Model: spider wire braided fishing line
Review Category: Fishing Line
Purchase: Fishing Line Bass Pro shops, $30.00
Things I like about the spider wire spider wire braided fishing line Fishing Line: toughness, works well
What I don't like about the spider wire spider wire braided fishing line: it floats
Fishing Line spider wire braided fishing line quality: great quality.
spider wire braided fishing line summary: I like this brand and product as it is very dependable. I like this line as it is very tough, and suits my needs at this time, it can be easily dragged through brush during fishing. It allows for fast and easy hook sets. The only thing that I have found to be any type of problem is that it floats on top of the water.
Rating for this spider wire product: 5
Author of this review on spider wire Fishing Line: Craig A. Gieda
Date: 2010-06-26
Usefulness Rating: 2.95172 out of 5.
145 reader(s) voted.
This spider wire Fishing Line review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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