Horton XL-150 Crossbow Crossbows
Crossbows Manufacturer: Horton
Horton Model: XL-150 Crossbow
Review Category: Crossbows
Purchase: Crossbows I have been a long time bow hunter with great stories of buck kills using high-end compound bows. Imagine my disappointment when I was told I had a Rotator-cuff injury this year and would not be able to pull back my bow with a damaged right shoulder. That was until a friend told me he could cock his Horton crossbow and all I had to do was shoot it. First of all, I was one of those hard-core bow hunters that looked down on crossbow shooters, thinking it was easier. In some ways, it is, but even crossbow shooters have to be as prepared and skilled as any bow hunter. My friend took me to the range and from the first arrow I shot with the Horton XL-150, I fell in love with it. I even actually had to replace two arrows that I shot into each other in the tightest group I've ever shot. I was amazed..and the incredible accuracy continued out to 40 yards with 1" groups. By the next weekend I purchased one from Cabela's for less than $350.
Things I like about the Horton XL-150 Crossbow Crossbows: The crossbow just feels good when you pull it up to aim; it is not as bulky as the newer models; it sits very steady in your plam with your elbow against your body; it is VERY accurate; the camo label job is very good and holds up well. It also gives me a little longer reach to take a deer at 45 yards.
What I don't like about the Horton XL-150 Crossbow: I have to buy MORE arrows since they hit each other in target practice - it's THAT accurate!!
Crossbows XL-150 Crossbow quality: The hard plastic stock holds up very well; the camo labeling has not peeled or faded; it is very solidly built and very rugged.
XL-150 Crossbow summary: I would recommend this crossbow to anyone, from beginner to expert. It's accuracy and balance is second to none in my opinion and has made me a believer in crossbows - this coming from a hard-core compound bow hunter. I have now convinced six of my buddies to purchsed this exact model after shooting my Horton XL-150 model. I'm even considering buying a second one for whenever I wear my first one out!
Rating for this Horton product: 5
Author of this review on Horton Crossbows: Mike Pfennig
Date: 2010-10-13
Usefulness Rating: 2.99707 out of 5.
341 reader(s) voted.
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