cabelaswoppin stick WSCR12 FOOT CRAPPIE Fishing Rods
Fishing Rods Manufacturer: cabelaswoppin stick
cabelaswoppin stick Model: WSCR12 FOOT CRAPPIE
Review Category: Fishing Rods
Purchase: Fishing Rods on line cabelas 15 bucks on sale
Things I like about the cabelaswoppin stick WSCR12 FOOT CRAPPIE Fishing Rods: its a two piece 12 foot i like very much. good fishing rod for the money.
What I don't like about the cabelaswoppin stick WSCR12 FOOT CRAPPIE: none
Fishing Rods WSCR12 FOOT CRAPPIE quality: very well built for the price .
WSCR12 FOOT CRAPPIE summary: very good fishing rod for all types of panfish. even cought a 8 pound channel cat fish with this fishing rod cabelas 12 foot 2 piece wuppin stick.very well constructed.long griped handle .color is cool.use on the rivers lakes.and its a cabelas.action is good on it.and it holds up under very though fishing. for the cat fish.
Rating for this cabelaswoppin stick product: 5
Author of this review on cabelaswoppin stick Fishing Rods: badger state
Date: 2010-10-26
Usefulness Rating: 3.01149 out of 5.
174 reader(s) voted.
This cabelaswoppin stick Fishing Rods review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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