Primos Long can Calls Lures Scents
Calls Lures Scents Manufacturer: Primos
Primos Model: Long can
Review Category: Calls Lures Scents
Purchase: Calls Lures Scents I bought a primos long can about a week ago at walmart for about eleven dollars. i bought this product because i have seen many of the pro's using it and as i've seen on tv with them using it, it seemed like the call really worked. i haden't been seeing many deer and the ones i had been seeing weren't getting close enough to get a good clean shot.
Things I like about the Primos Long can Calls Lures Scents: one things i really like about this product is that. the product is compact, light weight, and easy to use. weather you are a hunter just starting out in hunting or a seasoned hunter who has been hunting for years you can use this call and be effective. it is nearly imposable to use this call wrong.
What I don't like about the Primos Long can: another thing i like about this unit is that it can be used and be effective for either bucks or doe. with other calls you need to take aleast 2 or more calls with you to be effective calling. this is not the case with the primos either sex of deer will respond to this call. when using this call i have had deer i didn't even know where there come running to the sound of this product.
Calls Lures Scents Long can quality: this product is made out of plastic, how ever this call in very durable and weather resestant. it is about 2 inches tall and 1 1 1/2 wide. making it light weight and compact. it is very easy to carry in a back pack or even in your pants pocket.
Long can summary: the primos long can is a great product. it is light weight and durable. it is great to use during any phase of the deer season not just the rut. i will never use a different deer call again. for its compact size it really performs. it packs a big bark and a big bite when it comes to calling in deer. with the small price of this call it won't take a big bite out of you bank account and i think any hunter that wants to kill deer and take a throphy animal would be a fool not to purchase one. the name says it all. Primos speak the language!
Rating for this Primos product: 5
Author of this review on Primos Calls Lures Scents: bad apple outdoors
Date: 2010-11-14
Usefulness Rating: 2.97521 out of 5.
121 reader(s) voted.
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