Trophy Ridge Whisker Biscut Hunting Bow Reviews
Hunting Bow Reviews Manufacturer: Trophy Ridge
Trophy Ridge Model: Whisker Biscut
Review Category: Hunting Bow Reviews
Purchase: Hunting Bow Reviews I bought this rest at fleet-farm for 40 dollars
Things I like about the Trophy Ridge Whisker Biscut Hunting Bow Reviews: I liked the simple design and full capture containment.
What I don't like about the Trophy Ridge Whisker Biscut: I lost 7 Feet Per Second on average with the biscuit vs the Rip Cord rest. (295 ave fps with biscuit vs 302 with rip cord) and my groups loosened up a little bit but not majorly.
Hunting Bow Reviews Whisker Biscut quality: Well built
Whisker Biscut summary: I will not be using this rest anymore but I do think it is great for young shooters or people just starting out. A full containment drop away such as a qad ultra rest or ripcord offer all of the advantages with none of the drawbacks. Plus the extra speed and accuracy is always nice.
Rating for this Trophy Ridge product: 3
Author of this review on Trophy Ridge Hunting Bow Reviews: Luke
Date: 2011-06-29
Usefulness Rating: 3 out of 5.
265 reader(s) voted.
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