Daisy Winchester 1894 Other
Other Manufacturer: Daisy
Daisy Model: Winchester 1894
Review Category: Other
Purchase: Sportsman's Guide Catalogue, $39.95
Things I like about the Daisy Winchester 1894: It looks like a Model 1894 Winchester. The magazine is spring fed and positive.
What I don't like about the Daisy Winchester 1894: My Red Rider BB gun from the same manufacturer shoots much mor accurately. The trigger is way to heavy. Having to manually cock the hammer after operating the lever is ridiculous. It is a piece of junk.
Winchester 1894 quality: Fit and finish are about what one would expect from a cheap BB gun. The air "rifle" looks much like a real Winchester, but if I were at Winchester, I would'nt let Daisey put the Winchester trademark on it. This BB gun is inferior to the the Red Rider, which costs less.
Winchester 1894 summary: Don't buy one. Get a Red Rider instead.
Rating for this Daisy product: 1
Author of this review on Daisy Other: Vic Ross
Date: 2004-04-23
Usefulness Rating: 4.45 out of 5.
20 reader(s) voted.
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