Stealth Cam MC2-GWM Trail Cameras (t-z)
Trail Cameras (t-z) Manufacturer: Stealth Cam
Stealth Cam Model: MC2-GWM
Review Category: Trail Cameras (t-z)
Purchase: Trail Cameras (t-z) I received my camera as a Christmas gift from my parents. They bought it from Gander Mountain and paid $89.
Things I like about the Stealth Cam MC2-GWM Trail Cameras (t-z): I liked the looks of the camera. The camouflage is nice and the price was also attractive - "free" to me. After that, I really can't say anything good about it.
What I don't like about the Stealth Cam MC2-GWM: Where to start? I took my two young boys (2 and 4) out to show them how neat it is to be able to take pictures of "big bucks" in the woods behind our home. After several unsuccessful attempts at loading the film, I was finally able to force the camera door shut and have it advance the film. The boys were growing impatient. When I cinched the strap tight around the tree, the plastic buckle broke and left me with the tree spike as my only option. The boys were unimpressed. After a couple months, a camera position switch and endless pressure from the boys, I decided we would cut bait and take in the dozen or so pictures the camera had taken. I tried unsuccessfuly to manually rewind the film by pressing the camera's button. I was not going to be beaten by this camera - I WOULD have some pictures to show my boys. I took the camera under my jacket and opened the unit and blindly pulled the film out of the camera. After I felt it finally release, I took the camera out from under my jacket only to find that the film had broken and was now exposed and useless. The boys were upset. There are so many things not to like about this camera, it's hard to put into a list. The biggest thing I lost was the gleam of anticipation and excitement that once filled my boys' eyes. They are no longer excited to go out with daddy to take pictures of the "big buck."
Trail Cameras (t-z) MC2-GWM quality: Film wouldn't advance. Strap broke. One closure snap broke. Would not manually rewind. But the cammo looked great.
MC2-GWM summary: The old adage that "you get what you pay for" was never more evident than this case. But more than that, my children have lost their innocence and excitement for seeing what might be out in the woods and they have lost a little bit of their faith in good ol' dad. :(
Rating for this Stealth Cam product: 1
Author of this review on Stealth Cam Trail Cameras (t-z): Sad Dad
Date: 2004-04-26
Usefulness Rating: 3.48182 out of 5.
110 reader(s) voted.
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