hummingbird smartcast rf 10 Fish Finders
Fish Finders Manufacturer: hummingbird smartcast
hummingbird smartcast Model: rf 10
Review Category: Fish Finders
Purchase: Fish Finders i was going through my bass proshop catalog and came upon the smartcast, as an avid shore fisherman, i never really know the depth and if there are fish out there, always had to ask the boats, well no more, now i know what the boat's know. i paid $159.00 at bass pro shop, it's money well spent
Things I like about the hummingbird smartcast rf 10 Fish Finders: i now can tell the depth, and see the fish, no more guessing or wondering if there are fish. i like the backlight for night at fishing, i can set the unit on the ground and still am able to see the screen clearly.
What I don't like about the hummingbird smartcast rf 10: the only bad thing about the unit is i wish they made a case to store the unit and the sonar in.
Fish Finders rf 10 quality: i thought the sonar would break, but it surprised me, it is tough.
rf 10 summary: it is a great unit and i highly recommend it for every shore fisherman, "GUY'S" it's our turn to see and catch our limit.
Rating for this hummingbird smartcast product: 5
Author of this review on hummingbird smartcast Fish Finders: bob
Date: 2004-05-11
Usefulness Rating: 3.47191 out of 5.
267 reader(s) voted.
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