Fishing Rods Manufacturer: SOUTH BEND ,BLACK BEAUTY 2
Review Category: Fishing Rods
Purchase: Fishing Rods well i purchased this rod at Walmart in Canada manitoba.why i purchased this rod was cause of its price and it looked really good the price was only 12.95 canadian.And i really needed a good catfish medium action casting rod.
Things I like about the SOUTH BEND ,BLACK BEAUTY 2 BBC-135-X Fishing Rods: Well i like every thing about it the color the price the graphics it has it all. the way it felt in your hand balanced to pefection,.futhermore the way it had back bone and the fact the company may have borrowed the same techniques off of ugly stick in produceing such a quailty rod.wow im impressed i even got my friend to buy one i like them so much.He agrees considering hes a avid angler like myself.
What I don't like about the SOUTH BEND ,BLACK BEAUTY 2 BBC-135-X: Well the only little thing i dont like is that the eyes on the rod are a cheap i think and in time wont last.But for 12.95 how can a guy complain?
Fishing Rods BBC-135-X quality: Very good except for the the eyes and rings that the line travels through.thats all i can find wrong.futher more if you like ugly stick like i do they use the same construction they have the wire coil that is the rod makeing it undestructable.
BBC-135-X summary: Well my final thoughts are cause i feild tested it on some 30pound plus channel catz and landed every one with out breakage i love it and i stand by south bend for produceing a affordable working high quailty rod.Its really nice to see that the consumer can finally catch him self a deal and not get ripped off by the industrial giants.thank you your fishing buddy.shane eales
Rating for this SOUTH BEND ,BLACK BEAUTY 2 product: 4
Author of this review on SOUTH BEND ,BLACK BEAUTY 2 Fishing Rods: SLUE SHARK
Date: 2004-05-26
Usefulness Rating: 3.34686 out of 5.
271 reader(s) voted.
This SOUTH BEND ,BLACK BEAUTY 2 Fishing Rods review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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