Stongbuilt climbing tree stand all Tree Stands
Tree Stands Manufacturer: Stongbuilt climbing tree stand
Stongbuilt climbing tree stand Model: all
Review Category: Tree Stands
Purchase: Tree Stands Bought this stand from a friend at his house. He needed the money 100.00 .And it was worth it and much more
Things I like about the Stongbuilt climbing tree stand all Tree Stands: Price! All the gear as the high price treestands
What I don't like about the Stongbuilt climbing tree stand all: Weight of the need to be lighter
Tree Stands all quality: U can't beet cable for climbing. padded arm rest, the seat and arm rest and much of the stand is camo.
all summary: Same stand as the higher priced stands but at low price.Great camo covering most of the stand.
Rating for this Stongbuilt climbing tree stand product: 4
Author of this review on Stongbuilt climbing tree stand Tree Stands: BP Still
Date: 2004-06-15
Usefulness Rating: 4.2 out of 5.
25 reader(s) voted.
This Stongbuilt climbing tree stand Tree Stands review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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