Leuopold Scopes Vari X III Optics
Optics Manufacturer: Leuopold Scopes
Leuopold Scopes Model: Vari X III
Review Category: Optics
Purchase: After reading another review about the PSE Baby G we just had to write another about how great the PSE Baby G is in our words. What a nice setup. My Step-Son and I purchased them at the beginning of Summer off Cabela's. They ran about $450 at the time, but now I see them other places a little cheaper.
Things I like about the Leuopold Scopes Vari X III: It's kind of like one stop shopping. Rather than spend several nights shopping for accessories and all we were able to buy them all in one place. What is most important to myself is every item was made for the bow, not some generic fitting items. It had been several years since I hunted archery and was mildly surprised at the weight of bows now days. Then I picked up the PSE baby G and was even more surprised at how light it was.
What I don't like about the Leuopold Scopes Vari X III: For a few extra bucks they could have hired some people to fully put them together. I felt like it was Christmas morning again putting toys together for the kids. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed every second of putting it together, but would rather have been shooting.
Vari X III quality: This a fine piece of machinery, light, well made, an 80% lket off what more do you want.
Vari X III summary: To finalize I'm sure I'd be impressed with most any of the new compounds. The PSE Baby G takes the cake. I'm shooting better with it everyday. It's a pleasure to shoot. It's light and fast, and accurate. If you're ready to buy definitely take a look at this one.
Rating for this Leuopold Scopes product: 5
Author of this review on Leuopold Scopes Optics: Craig W.
Date: 2003-09-08
Usefulness Rating: 2.33333 out of 5.
6 reader(s) voted.
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