Trail Timer EZ 2500 Trail Cameras
Trail Cameras Manufacturer: Trail Timer
Trail Timer Model: EZ 2500
Review Category: Trail Cameras
Purchase: I was always interested in a trail camera. I purchased this product almost a year ago from the local Gander Mountain. I believe I paid around $125.00.
Things I like about the Trail Timer EZ 2500: The casing is very durable and it takes very good pictures when it works. The sensor beam is very tight and not set off in false scenarios.
What I don't like about the Trail Timer EZ 2500: I have owned this product for almost 1 year. Last year I had no problems with it. This year I put it out only to find that it wasn't sensing past 2-3 feet. This camera has a 90 day warranty and is going to cost me an additional $45.00 + S.H. to get fixed. The design of the camera could be improved with a external on/off/test switch. In order to turn the trail camera off and move your camera to a new location you have to open the door, which causes a picture to be taken. It would also be nice to be able to view the picture counter from the outside of the camera to know when to unload the film. Owners manaul was horrible and seemed to be very generic. I have had to figure things out on my own... like how to set date/time on camera.
EZ 2500 quality: Construction was good and other than the sensor board ($45.00), the unit seems to be of good quality.
EZ 2500 summary: I have seen some web sites that compare trail cameras and have noticed that most have 1 year warranties. This trail camera has a 90 day warranty which is not very long. Other than some of the design flaws, I like the camera and the pictures it takes. I am not sure I will spend the $$'s it will take to fix it without the reassurance this won't happen again.
Rating for this Trail Timer product: 3
Author of this review on Trail Timer Trail Cameras: Keith in Cannon Falls.
Date: 2004-09-27
Usefulness Rating: 4.27273 out of 5.
11 reader(s) voted.
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