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Summit Entire Line Tree Stands

Tree Stands Manufacturer: Summit
Summit Model: Entire Line
Review Category: Tree Stands

Purchase: Tree Stands Have not acquired this treestand as of yet. Have done two years worth of research on the Summit line of stands.

Things I like about the Summit Entire Line Tree Stands: Summit is the leader of treestands. I have researched every climbing treestand there is out there. I own treestands from Cabelas Fixed Position, I have owned Ole' Man Climbers, I have owned River's edge climbers and fixed, I have also owned API treestands. Summit has a treestand for everyone that is the absolute quickest treestand to put on a tree.

What I don't like about the Summit Entire Line: I have been not able to buy a summit due to lack of funds, but, I will by either the bushmaster or the clearshot this year because of it packability and weight. Trust me I have check every single climber known to man (Gorilla, API, Ole man, etc.) There is nothing that compares to the Summit. The ole' man that I used to own was impossible to hook quickly and efficiently to a stand. It was hard to back pack as well. Summit is the leader in treestands in my opinion after a ton of research.

Tree Stands Entire Line quality: Constructed of great material,lightweight, comfortable, etc. I have been in the store and carried these stands around, I have thrown them on my back, I have sat in them, I have taken them on and off fake trees.....I am telling you they are the leader.

Entire Line summary: Summit treestands are the best all around treestand on the market. I know some hunters are partial to API, or other just can't beat a summit treestand. Everything for small framed hunters, large hunters, you want a sit down-stand up, hand climber, fixed position. Summit has it and they are the easiest stand to hook to a tree and do what we are all in the woods to do - HUNT!

Rating for this Summit product: 5

Author of this review on Summit Tree Stands: Len

Date: 2004-09-30

Usefulness Rating: 3.78947 out of 5.
38 reader(s) voted.

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