garmin geko 101 GPS
GPS Manufacturer: garmin
garmin Model: geko 101
Review Category: GPS
Purchase: GPS I have the geko 101 by garmin, i got it for a gift it was 100 dollars and it works great! It runs on 2 aaa's for about 16 hours.
Things I like about the garmin geko 101 GPS: I like the light color it is very visible for hunting
What I don't like about the garmin geko 101: It can not hook up to a computer to log info and print out
GPS geko 101 quality: The construction is very good it is well protected for when getting hit and is water proof, on a scale 1-10 i give it a 8.
geko 101 summary: I like the garman geko 101 because it runs long and is fast and accurate
Rating for this garmin product: 5
Author of this review on garmin GPS: UJ
Date: 2004-09-30
Usefulness Rating: 3.0495 out of 5.
202 reader(s) voted.
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