Kabar Marine Corps Issue Hunting Knives
Hunting Knives Manufacturer: Kabar
Kabar Model: Marine Corps Issue
Review Category: Hunting Knives
Purchase: Hunting Knives In about 1943 my uncle joined the Navy and went to war in the Pacific. During this time he was a Botswains Mate and operated a landing craft in 4 of 5 major campaigns in the South Pacific. It was a gift to me from him on my 16th birthday.
Things I like about the Kabar Marine Corps Issue Hunting Knives: I like everything about the knife. It has a good weight and balance. It holds a good sharp edge on both the edges. By this I mean the long main cuttine edge and the short edge on top of the point. The blade is thick enough not to waver through a cut and is heavy enough to cut through bony parts of a deer yet it is light enough not to be a burden to carry.
What I don't like about the Kabar Marine Corps Issue: I really can't think of anything that I do not like about the knife. It does all that I need it to do.
Hunting Knives Marine Corps Issue quality: I do not know what kind of steel the knife is made of but I do know that, even though it was mass produced, Kabar put all the quality they had access to into the knife. I believe they did this because they knew an American soldier's life might depend on it and many did. The knife, even after 62 years in the family, is still my knife of choice to take on my hunting trips and would take it on even the most extreme trips that I could go on.
Marine Corps Issue summary: While in the South Pacific, he was issued a Marine Corps knife and carried it through out his entire term of service. After the war he remained in the military until retirement. In 1958, when I was 16 years old, he gave me the knife. It had rings of plexiglass, colored red white and blue and stacked, onto the tang as a replacement handle grip. By this time, though, the handle had become old and was beginning to deteriorate badly. I kept it that way for many more years until it finally fell apart. However, the knife did not go unused. During all the years I have had it it has been a part of my hunting gear. About 10 years ago I had the opportunity to replace the now wrapped in leather handle with an anter from a mule deer. I used the base part of the antler by hand drilling a hole through the antler and custom fitting the tang into it. I used some epoxy to anchor the new handle to the tang. This knife has been through at least 4 handle replacements and is still going strong. Though I have several hunting knives, my Marine Kabar is my #1 knife and goes with me whenever I go hunting. Thanks Kabar for such a fine knife and for making it possible for many of our country's military personnel to survive the combat.
Rating for this Kabar product: 5
Author of this review on Kabar Hunting Knives: Tom Henslee
Date: 2004-10-08
Usefulness Rating: 3.15591 out of 5.
186 reader(s) voted.
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