StealthCam MC2-GWM Trail Cameras
Trail Cameras Manufacturer: StealthCam
StealthCam Model: MC2-GWM
Review Category: Trail Cameras
Purchase: Got this as a Christmas present, my mom paid $69.99
Things I like about the StealthCam MC2-GWM: Very easy to use, great product in concept
What I don't like about the StealthCam MC2-GWM: Film can be difficult to load and get it to advance so it's ready to use, seems tough to use the manual rewind. The worst thing about this product is, and I called StealthCam to verify what was wrong, and the unit can electricaly short out in different kinds of weather...it has to be manually switched from the on position to the test position, and back to on to reset it so it will begin taking more pictures when triggered....this is a major inconvenience when it's set up an hour from my house! I wasted a whole week anticipating the pics I would get...It quit working after the first pic and had to be reset. Works well at night, and in daylight, battery life is not as long as they promise
MC2-GWM quality: Nice construction, sub-par quality...doesnt always deliver "the goods"
MC2-GWM summary: Only buy this product if you can check the operational status daily, it is easy to sneak up behind it and peak without taking a pic of yourself, and would most likely work best for the wussy hunters in the dry warmer climates of the south...us Northern Boys need a better product under the conditions that we hunt.
Rating for this StealthCam product: 2
Author of this review on StealthCam Trail Cameras: Nate D. Minnesota
Date: 2004-10-11
Usefulness Rating: 4.25 out of 5.
12 reader(s) voted.
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