Shimano Catala 400 bait caster Fishing Tackle
Fishing Tackle Manufacturer: Shimano
Shimano Model: Catala 400 bait caster
Review Category: Fishing Tackle
Purchase: Fishing Tackle I purchased the product from a local Fishing Tackle store. I was looking for a quality, light, reliable, robust easy to use reel for saltwater straylining large Snapper up to 20lbs plus. I paid $299.00 NZ.
Things I like about the Shimano Catala 400 bait caster Fishing Tackle: It is light and robust. The drag works smoothly under pressure.
What I don't like about the Shimano Catala 400 bait caster: The Quick release thumb bar is absolutly useless. It has a annoying habit of not disingaging the gear properly and the first thing you know about it is a sickining grinding of gears when you cast. It can also jump back into gear mid cast causing a violent loss of terminal tackle. The clicker is awkward to engauge and dis-engauge esp with cold wet fingers. Talking to other fishers with the same or similar shimano reels the Quick release fault is a old and ongoing problem.
Fishing Tackle Catala 400 bait caster quality: It is well made from cast gold annodised aluminium with a sturdy level wind. It has a star drag.
Catala 400 bait caster summary: The reel is good and if Shimano fixed the faults above it would be perfect.
Rating for this Shimano product: 2
Author of this review on Shimano Fishing Tackle: Simon Doubleday
Date: 2004-10-20
Usefulness Rating: 3.38587 out of 5.
184 reader(s) voted.
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