Scent Killer by Wildlife Research odorless formula Calls Lures Scents
Calls Lures Scents Manufacturer: Scent Killer by Wildlife Research
Scent Killer by Wildlife Research Model: odorless formula
Review Category: Calls Lures Scents
Purchase: Calls Lures Scents I bought a bottle of this last year at Walmart. I paid $4-5.00 dollars for the big 32 oz bottle with the bonus spray bottle.
Things I like about the Scent Killer by Wildlife Research odorless formula Calls Lures Scents: The overall price is great. The odor smells just like being out in the woods. This year I really got into bowhunting but do not have a tree stand so I hunt from the ground using a small folding chair. I sprayed this product all over my self and my equipment. We went in and I set up on a good deer trail near a feeding area. I was just a few yards in the edge of the tree line. Near dark I seen two big does working their way down the food plot out in front of me. They came half way down the corn row and then cut across where I was sitting. I was fully camoed out including a head net and I sprayed my self head to toe with the scent killer. I set paitently and waited for them to come in. I was nervous since I had never killed a whitetail with my bow. The deer finally moved in and I was a wreck. I stayed calm but I was jacked up with addreniln running hard. The deer got within 7 yards in front of me. The deer could not see me and they tried to smell me. The deer turned her head up and I watched her top lip curl up at me to try to catch my smell but she could not. She kept looking right at me but was unsure of what was going on. She was standing broad side in front of me. I patiently waited for her to turn her head so I could draw my bow back. She finally put her head down and started eating some grass. I got my bow drawed halfway back and she looked up and at me. I was afraid that if I had pulled my bow back and up the movement would have caught here eye and spooked her. I waited for about a minute and then had to let my bow down as she would never look away. She caught just a little movement and took off away from me. I had never been this close to a deer before and being on the ground made it even more exciting. I am just learning about bow hunting and have a lot more to learn. I know that had I not been using the Scent Killer that I would have never been able to have this great experience with a whitetail deer. This is what makes bowhunting exciting for me. Thanks.
What I don't like about the Scent Killer by Wildlife Research odorless formula: No negative comments at this time
Calls Lures Scents odorless formula quality: Top notch, have found no better product for the price.
odorless formula summary: This is a great product that is a proven winner. The price is also good, not over priced like some of the other company's. I have several bottles on hand and never leave out for a huntin trip with out it.
Rating for this Scent Killer by Wildlife Research product: 5
Author of this review on Scent Killer by Wildlife Research Calls Lures Scents: Allen Dytmire
Date: 2004-10-21
Usefulness Rating: 3.81818 out of 5.
11 reader(s) voted.
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