Redhead Hunting Clothes Elements Hunting Outerwear
Hunting Outerwear Manufacturer: Redhead Hunting Clothes
Redhead Hunting Clothes Model: Elements
Review Category: Hunting Outerwear
Purchase: Hunting Outerwear I finally broke down and bought myself a great pair of hunting clothes. In particular I bought the hunting coat and bib overalls. Total cost was around $500 dollars which the other half didn't like, but with the features this outfit has I expect to keep it twenty years which works out to $25 a year so as I explained to her these were cheap hunting clothes.
Things I like about the Redhead Hunting Clothes Elements Hunting Outerwear: I had gone years wearing an old one piece outfit from K-mart or one of those places. I liked this outfit, but it didn't keep me warm when hunting as most of it's insulation properties had left years earlier. I guess I just got used to putting layers upon layers of hunting clothes on to compensate for my hunting clothes not being up to date. Anyway you asked what I like, well first off they are gore-tex and I mean to tell you big time waterproof. There's nothing worse than deer hunting with wet clothes. With these you don't have to worry about getting wet, it just sheds them off. Back to my original point, with this set of hunting clothes I can just throw them over whatever I'm wearing and don't even have to wear long johns except on the coldest days. This makes it real nice when packing for a hunting trip, got rifle, got hunting boots, got bib, got jacket, ready to go!
What I don't like about the Redhead Hunting Clothes Elements : Ouch the cost, but like I said think of it as a lease payment and in ten years or so you'll have spent hardly anything for warm days in the woods.
Hunting Outerwear Elements quality: Awesome, well made, very briar proof which is important to me even when stand hunting you still have to get to the stand. The insulation of these hunting clothes is top nothch, even better than some top shelf ski/survival jackets I've seen. Oh and let's not forget the gore-tex and how well they make the hunting clothes waterproof. Last and never least is the number of pockets in the right places the Redhead hunting clothes offer. All of the pockets are in their logical places and when filled their large enough not to bind your movements.
Elements summary: Hunting Clothes don't get any better than this. When I come home from a hard day my work clothes go in a pile. When I come home from hunting my hunting clothes are neatly hung up in a scent proof bag I bought for them. Now that makes my wife mad. Bottom line Redhead Hunting clothes are tough to beat and I'd give them six stars if I could. p.s. An old buddy of mine has the Browning all in one Hydro Fleece and he swears by it as well.
Rating for this Redhead Hunting Clothes product: 5
Author of this review on Redhead Hunting Clothes Hunting Outerwear: Kevin (Wausau, WI)
Date: 2005-09-09
Usefulness Rating: 4.59259 out of 5.
27 reader(s) voted.
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