Matthews Switchback Bows
Bows Manufacturer: Matthews
Matthews Model: Switchback
Review Category: Bows
Purchase: Bows I purchased this out of the states ( I live in Australia ) to replace my excellent but aging PSE Baby G compound. I had heard excellent things about Matthews bows and basically they were the bow to have. I paid $700 US for it and have added the Matthews drop away arrow rest and Web two Piece quiver to it. It has A Copper Johns 5 pin sight in matching camo. Because of its innovative harmonic dampners, im not bothering with string silencers or stabilzer.
Things I like about the Matthews Switchback Bows: What can I say. I have owned some good quality compounds but the Matthews is out Simply in a class of its own. Its hard not to just sing its praise but i'll try to remain pragmatic for the purposes of the review. Extremely quiet due to its harmonic dampners, its the most forgiving accurate bow I have ever shot. The first group I shot with it at 15 M, I almost smashed my arrows as they were grouping so tight I was lucky not to break one, and this is coming from someone that only shoots once a week or so. Fast, quiet and compact I love the camo. The slim wooden grip is the best Ive used.
What I don't like about the Matthews Switchback : I really can not fault this bow. I just didnt know how good the Matthews stuff is. If I had known they were out on their own I would have used them years ago. Im trying not to sound like an add for the Switch back but im really into quality kit so id really like to hear from anyone that knows of a brand of bow that matches them so I can have a look at one.
Bows Switchback quality: The thing that really seperates this bow from the competition is that the accessories are so thought out and integrated. The quiver is the best ive ever seen. Its got locking screws so the hood cant twist like most quivers that are screwed in with one screw. The quiver and arrow rest both have harmonic dampners as well to match the bow and it makes one sweet quiet shooting combination. To be fair my bow is still know so id like to see how it holds up after a few years of hunting.
Switchback summary: I tend to keep my bows for a few years before upgrading so id like to write a review then after Ive owned it a while to give a really honest appraisal. At this stage though this bow easilly stands out ( in my opinion ) as the best hunting compound on the market. Id appreciate any feed back anyone has with this bow
Rating for this Matthews product: 5
Author of this review on Matthews Bows: avon
Date: 2005-10-05
Usefulness Rating: 4.41429 out of 5.
70 reader(s) voted.
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