Brush Creek Brush Pants Hunting Outerwear
Hunting Outerwear Manufacturer: Brush Creek
Brush Creek Model: Brush Pants
Review Category: Hunting Outerwear
Purchase: Hunting Outerwear Two years back I needed a new set of brush pants. My old ones were torn up and getting a little too tight for comfort. My Mother actually bought these as a Christmas gift for me.
Things I like about the Brush Creek Brush Pants Hunting Outerwear: Their actually not bad looking when clean. Grey in color so you don't look like a deer with large legs. They fit pretty well.
What I don't like about the Brush Creek Brush Pants: They pull in and attract water like a sponge. Once wet they do their best to remain wet. Imagine small game hunting the night after it rained and every piece of brush you touch collects more water. This last Saturday I felt more like a sumo wrestler when I moved my legs than someone who enjoyed hunting.
Hunting Outerwear Brush Pants quality: If you live in a dry climate, these are the ones to have. After a couple of years of hard hunting to my knowledge there aren't any rips in them. They do soil quicly, but that's nothing a quick wash in the tub won't cure.
Brush Pants summary: Great brush pants, but not so great if they ruin a days hunt by pulling in water. I've tried water reppelent on them and they still pull in the water. Unfortunately it looks like these guys are heading to the trash bin before this weekend. I've been looking, but have yet to find any gore-tex brush pants. I'm sure their out there somewhere. Good luck this year. Neat site, keep it up.
Rating for this Brush Creek product: 2
Author of this review on Brush Creek Hunting Outerwear: Michael Watson,
Date: 2003-11-04
Usefulness Rating: 3.08021 out of 5.
187 reader(s) voted.
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