buckmaster BTR Bows
Bows Manufacturer: buckmaster
buckmaster Model: BTR
Review Category: Bows
Purchase: Bows I got this bow at Wal-Mart. It was a return. The rest was broken and the limb bolts had been replaced. I think someone tried to make a youth bow. I put a new rest on it and replaced the bolts.With the addision of a few vibration dampeners.It was ready to go. The bow cost me $125.00. And about$50.00 with setup gear.
Things I like about the buckmaster BTR Bows: This bow is quiet and smooth. Thank's to Sims.
What I don't like about the buckmaster BTR: It was a lot of work to get this bow set up right.
Bows BTR quality: Being the low dollar.I dont think the wheels are going to last very long.
BTR summary: After a few bucks and a lot of work.I ended up with a pretty nice bow. I wouldn't suggest just anyone attempting this on their own. But it is worth taking to a pro. For the price you can end up with a real good bow. Watch.Wal-mart for returned bows.Goodluck in the field.
Rating for this buckmaster product: 4
Author of this review on buckmaster Bows: Dick Dummar
Date: 2008-04-26
Usefulness Rating: 5 out of 5.
2 reader(s) voted.
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