Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bows
Bows Manufacturer: Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow
Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow Model: Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200
Review Category: Bows
Purchase: Bows Paid my brother $200 for this bow. I was kind of interested in getting a bow, but never really found them to be that interesting. That was until now. After shooting this bow, the rifle range is at a distant 2nd in my outdoor sporting pleasures.
Things I like about the Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bows: Size, weight, balance and just overall design. I cannot imagine what could make this bow better.
What I don't like about the Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 : Color. This one is cammo and Id like a different color scheme. More sporty, than hunting.
Bows Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 quality: Well built and sturdy.
Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 summary: I would encourage anyone that is even thinking of getting a bow to try this one first. There are two reasons why i say this. 1- It will save you alot of time in finding the best, because you'll just be back to this one as your final choice. 2- Simply put, It's the best you can get a the cost per quality ratio.
Rating for this Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow product: 5
Author of this review on Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow Bows: Dr. Tim
Date: 2008-08-04
Usefulness Rating: 4.4375 out of 5.
16 reader(s) voted.
This Hoyt Magnatec ZR 200 Bow Bows review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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