Bows Manufacturer: PSE
Review Category: Bows
Purchase: Bows I purchased the bow from Cabela's and paid $399 (minus tax and shipping)
Things I like about the PSE BABY-G FORCE Bows: The bow is very fast and I've been very consistant with it. The axle to axle length is ideal for hunting out of a stand when approach direction is unpredictable. The ajustable let off (up to 80%)allows the shooter to hold the 60-70# all day and the lightning One cam has a nice draw stop at full draw. All around good hunting bow for the price.
What I don't like about the PSE BABY-G FORCE: The bow's cable guard is poorly designed. It is an offset guard and regardless how tight the bolt is the guard will rotate and ruin the arrow vanes. The small "caps" at the end of the limbs(that hold the cam pin)are poorly welded on, with large gaps around the seams. The bow is also louder than bows I've shot in the past. Last season the excessive noise cost me a beautiful 10 point!
Bows BABY-G FORCE quality: I feel the product was poorly designed and manufactured. The cable guard and the "end caps" need some serious attention. The engineers at PSE could also shave a few pounds off the bow (little heavy)
BABY-G FORCE summary: The bow, dispite it's downfalls, shoots fast and accuratly.Unfortunatly these are the only two positive aspects of this bow. Maybe they were mass produced and the attention to detail was overlooked. My suggestion: take a careful look at the bow your puchasing before dumping 100's of dollars
Rating for this PSE product: 2
Author of this review on PSE Bows: Matt A
Date: 2004-10-06
Usefulness Rating: 4.22069 out of 5.
290 reader(s) voted.
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