Fread Bear GT32 Bows
Bows Manufacturer: Fread Bear
Fread Bear Model: GT32
Review Category: Bows
Purchase: Bows I grew up in the western mountains of Virginia and have hunted whitetails most of my teenage years. Muzzleladers were my weapon of choice since the early season regularly falls on the rut and the frontloaders can also be used during the late season. Since my recent move to Virginia Beach I realized that to keep hunting those critters that I love, I will need to give up the smokepole and pick up archery. I made a trip to the local Bass Pro Shops store in Hampton, VA. I explained that I was looking for a good bow for under $350 and the associate let me try several models. As I tryed them I felt comfortable with the GT32 so I got it. He set me up with arrows, sights, a rest and a few other goodies and put them all on for me before I left the store. My price tag out the door was around $425. The cost of the bow itself was $299.
Things I like about the Fread Bear GT32 Bows: I love the accuracy!!! After a few hours of paper tuning and adjusting the sights I was shooting 6" groups at 30 yards. Not impressive, but my form and strength were still developing. Now that 6 weeks have passed I am shooting tight 1.5" to 2" groups at 40 yards, with broadheads. Quite impressive. Now for the cool stuff, this bow is light, only 4 pounds 1 ounce. The 75% let-off one cam is super easy to hold. (That means your only holding 15 pounds at full draw if your bows peak weight is set to 60 pounds) It's short axle to axle length of 32" is no problem to snake through the thickets after that bruiser buck. I have heard that the shorter length bows are much less forgiving to shoot, but as you have read I can't say that that is true. The sturdy rubber grip makes this bow a pleasure to shoot, not for the sole reason it feels good in my hand, but also because the material dampens the vibration a bit. Having the ability to adjust the draw weight from 60 to 70 pounds is great. next year I will turn up the heat from the 60# to 70# for a little flatter arrow trajectory and a little more speed.
What I don't like about the Fread Bear GT32: The cable slide bar is a design I would like to replace but can't. The factory installed one is held in by two allen screws from the side. The hole it is in is not tapped for a new slide bar. I have to go against the general hunting public and say that I don't like Realtree Hardwoods camo. It just doesn't do that great of a job breaking up the outline of the bow. Predator would be much better. I guess there isn't a whole lot else I can say I dislike about the bow.
Bows GT32 quality: The machined aluminum riser looks to be of quality construction as well as the limbs. The limb pockets hold the split limbs well without rattle or noise during the shot. Of course it is drilled and tapped for almost every accessory you can attach to a bow. Thats makes for great versitility. The cam and idler wheel are made of aluminum for durability. A much better improvment over my Black Bear bow of many years ago with plastic wheels.
GT32 summary: For under 300 smackarooz I couldn't think of shooting a better bow. After crawling and ducking through several thickets this hunting season the short length is much appreciated. I imagine that if the bow I had purchased didn't tune or group well, I would not have stuck with it and more than likely, sold it. I will definately make this my weapon of choice for many years to come. If I ever move back to the Appalachian Mountains bowhunting may replace my trusty smokpole.
Rating for this Fread Bear product: 4
Author of this review on Fread Bear Bows: Kevin Smith
Date: 2004-10-12
Usefulness Rating: 4.79487 out of 5.
39 reader(s) voted.
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