![]() 2005 Michigan Bear Hunt Drawing Results Posted and Season Regulations Set - MichiganHunting- The Department of Natural Resources reminds bear hunters that the 2005 Michigan bear hunt drawing results were posted on the DNR Web site on June 6. Notification of the drawing results were mailed this weekend to all applicants, except those who applied online. Hunters successful in the drawing may purchase a license at more than 1,700 license dealers and DNR service centers statewide or via the Internet at www.michigan.gov/dnr. The cost of the license and harvest tag is $15 for residents, $6 for seniors and $150 for nonresidents. There is no license fee for successful Lifetime Comprehensive License Holders. A participation license is required for bear hunters who are not issued a harvest tag but wish to participate in a bear hunt behind dogs. Participation licenses may be purchased at any license agent for the same fee as a hunting license. The 2005 bear season will include the following hunt periods: Sept. 10-Oct. 21, Sept. 15-Oct. 26, and Sept. 25-Oct. 26 in all Upper Peninsula units except Drummond Island; Sept. 10-16 on Drummond Island; and Sept. 16-22 in the northern Lower Peninsula's Baldwin, Gladwin, and Red Oak bear management units. An additional hunt period for bow and arrow only will be held in the Red Oak bear management unit from Oct. 7-13. Beginning with the 2005 bear season, hunters on private lands, excluding commercial forest lands, may use bait containers. Also, hunters licensed for the 2005 season may use ground blinds on state lands within the bear management unit they are licensed for. Ground blinds may be in place beginning Aug. 10 in Zone 1 bear management units, and beginning Aug. 17 in Zone 2 bear management units. Ground blinds must be removed within five days of the end of the bear season, or within five days after harvesting a bear. Hunters will find these new regulations in the 2005 Hunting and Trapping Guide, which will be available at license dealers and online after Aug. 1, 2005. The DNR is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural resources for current and future generations.
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