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DOW to Hold Public Meetings to Gather Input on Hunting Big Game License Allocations-Colorado DNR
Hunting- In the next few weeks, Division of Wildlife (DOW) will host a series of public meetings around the state to gather input from hunters, landowners, and other constituents about the allocation of Big Game Hunting licenses in Colorado. The Big Game Hunting License Allocation Working Group has completed its task of analyzing the way the state of Colorado issues deer, elk and pronghorn hunting licenses and has developed a package of alternatives for consideration by the Director and Wildlife Commission to improve the system. The original list of 22 issues has been consolidated and cut down to 14. The four major issues continue to be resident/nonresident allocation ratios, landowner allocation, outfitter allocation, and preference points.
In the coming weeks, Division of Wildlife (DOW) personnel will host a series of public meetings around the state to gather input from hunters, landowners, and other constituents. Public meetings will be held on the following days and locations.
July 19th – Hunter Education Classroom, 4255 Sinton Road, Colorado Springs.
July 20th – Otero Junior College, 2001 San Juan Ave, La Junta.
July 21st – Ramada Inn, US Hwy 6 & I-76, Sterling.
July 26th – Monte Vista Coop, 1901 East Hwy 160, Monte Vista.
July 27th – Denver Hunter Education Classroom, 6060 Broadway.
August 2nd – Fellowship Hall, Montrose County Fairgrounds, 1001 N 2nd Street, Montrose.
August 3rd – Doubletree Hotel, 743 Horizon Drive, Grand Junction.
August 4th – Shadow Mountain Village, 1055 County Rd. 7, Craig.
All meetings start at 7 p.m. Once the public meetings have been completed, results of the public input surveys will be compiled and presented to the Commission at their workshop in Alamosa on August 11th.
For a summary of all of the issues covered by the group and corresponding comments during the previous meetings and more information about the group visit: wildlife.state.co.us/hunt/biggame/license_allocation.
The DOW values public comment and interest in this process. Persons who cannot attend a public meeting can participate by mailing a survey form located on the hunting license allocation web page. The survey form, final report and other supporting materials are available for reference at this same site. In order to be compiled and summarized in time for presentation to the Wildlife Commission at their August workshop, surveys should be received at the Denver DOW office by Friday, August 5th.
The Division can also still receive general comments via e-mail at: [email protected].
Source: Colorado DNR

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