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Fishing Lures - World Records
Fishing Lures
Rapala lures brought home the most world record fish in 2005 followed by Storm Lures coming in a close second. Rapala recently announced the IGFA which stands for International Game and Fishing Association will announce Rapala lures caught the most record fish on their lures in the year 2005. Rapala Fishing Lures came in first place in the lures category with Storm just missing first place at the World Record Achievement Awards Ceremony.
Anglers were fishing with Rapala Lures fifteen times when they landed their world record last year. This means more world fishing records were caught using lures made by Rapala more than any other lure. Storm lures finished a close second with fourteen anglers fishing Storm Lures when they landed world records last year. The fishing pressure was close, but Rapala managed to beat out Storm by one world record fish.
Each year the IGFA recognizes the lure manufacturer who lands the most world record fish the previous year. The ceremony was held March, 18th in Florida.
Rapala Fishing Lures sets the records in 2005
Among the new world records for Rapala lures was a 30 lb 7 oz Rainbow Trout, caught on a Rapala Husky Jerk. The angler was fishing on Lake Diefen Baker in Saskatchewan, Canada in the 12 lb line class. In addition to the fifteen world records, Rapala also topped the list for the State Freshwater Fishing Records, with three new records in 2005, more than any other fishing lure.
IGFA maintains and publishes world records for saltwater, freshwater, fly fishing catches, U.S. state freshwater records, and junior angler records, awarding certificates of recognition to each fishing record holder. IGFA is recognized as the official keeper of world saltwater fishing records since 1939. IGFA entered the field of freshwater record keeping when Field & Stream transferred its 68 years of fishing records to the association in 1978.
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