![]() Summit Ultimate Viper SS Tree StandsWith the cooler mornings I find myself daydreaming more and more about hunting season fast approaching and one of the dreams is of me buying a new tree stand this year. If you’ve read many of our articles you know I’m all about tree stands and one in particular has really caught my eye this year. A few weeks back a buddy and I were visiting the Cabela’s store in Wheeling, WV when we came across The Summit Ultimate Viper SS tree stands. The first thing that caught my eye was the blind attached to the stand. Many hunters state deer can’t see you in a stand and I’ll agree with them to a point, but I’ve had a large number of deer that did see me in a stand after catching movement. You see even though the deer’s primary focus is on the ground if they catch movement out of their eye they will look up and this is a big mistake a lot of hunters make. The past two years I’ve done a lot of hunting out of a fixed position tree stand and can tell you I saw a lot more deer after I added a homemade blind with some camo fabric from Wal-mart and placed it around the stand. Maybe it was coincidence that I saw more deer, but I’m willing to bet deer coming off the hill behind me were catching my silhouette as they scouted coming down the hill. Summit Ultimate Viper SS Tree StandsThe buddy I had with me is a big Summit not mention Viper fan and went on and on about how much he loves his Summit Viper SS Tree Stand and how he wouldn’t trade it for the world. This guy knows hunting and if he says he has settled on one tree stand them I’m sold. Features of the Summit Viper SS Reviews One of the great features of this Summit Tree Stand is the seat which allows you to quickly adjust seat height for bow hunting or bow hunting. Best of all you can remove the seat altogether if you’d like. Tree Stand ReviewsSee Our User Submitted Tree Stand Reviews Another feature which I like a lot is the solid front bar that can serve as a gun rest as well. I’m a big believer in finding something to stabilize a shot because no matter how good of a shooter you are on the range when that buck of a lifetime comes along and the adrenaline is pumping after several cold hours in a stand that shot you could make easily at the range becomes a lot harder to make. Some other features of the Summit Viper SS Tree Stands are: A thickly padded all-day comfort mat to give your feet a rest on those days when the deer just aren’t moving and you wish you were. I also like the comfort surround seat that looks a little like a swing, but appears to be comfortable as all get out. The best feature of this tree stand isn’t a feature at all. It is the weight of the stand coming in at 26 pounds with all the accessories. That’s an amazing weight for a 300 pound capacity stand. As you can read I’m really impressed with the Summit Viper SS and quite frankly all of the Summit Stands. Rarely do we receive a bad review of these stands and when we do I’m not real impressed by the person writing the tree stand review. See Our Complete Line Up of Tree Stands - Click Here
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