![]() Butler Creek Blizzard Covers Clear Your Sight With Quality See-Thru CoversDependable spring-up covers work on both the ocular (eye) or objective (muzzle) end of your scope. The covers have tabs on both sides of the lid to be easily opened by right or left handed shooters. Blizzard lenses are made from "Optical Grade" polymers that achieve the most complete light transmittance of all see-thru covers. See-thru protection gives you the ability to make fast, off-hand shots at fleeing game. Always open the covers for long-range shooting. It's very important to allow the complete spectrum of light to pass through your scope. Do not use reduction filters! The weatherproof seal and dependable spring system has been tested in a variety of EXTREME weather conditions. Blizzard Scope Covers are available with clear or yellow lenses, although clear is recommended for most hunting situations. About the Manufacturer Michael's Of Oregon Headquarters Located At The End Of The Oregon Trail. 43,000 square foot headquarters and Oregon manufacturing plant at historic Oregon City Oregon City was the goal for 300,000 pioneers who traveled the torturous Oregon Trail from Missouri to Oregon Against this historic setting, Michaels has established its own "information superhighways" with new computer and telecommunications systems designed for better customer service Oregon City plant is headquarters for the 270-employee company Swivels and other hardgoods are manufactured here Manufacturing of all soft goods including nylon and leather slings, SIDEKICKŪ and UNCLE MIKE'S LAW ENFORECEMNT holsters, belts and accessories and many other items is done in this plant in Meridian, Idaho. Making Good Guns BetterŪ For 50 Years FOUNDER- Allison P. "Uncle Mike" Michaels founded Michaels of Oregon in 1947 when he began manufacturing sling swivels for the gunsmith trade. Starting out in his home, Uncle Mike also made such items as triggerguards and floorplates for conversions of military rifles, but his main stock in trade was swivels. He is shown here in 1972 when he, at age 86, visited the "Uncle Mike's" exhibit at the NRA Show in Portland during the company's 25th anniversary. www.uncle-mikes.com
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