![]() Tactical Assault Revolution Pro Series RodsTactical Assault Revolution Rods® are built on the principle that form follows function. Tactical Assault Revolution Rods® are not built to win beauty contests like rods with fancy chevron threadwork. Instead, the highest level of rod blanks, cork rings for grips, Fuji® SiC Titanium Guides and SENS-A-MAX® Reel Seats are selected, and when united those components become the lightest, most sensitive rod on the market, all matched to the rod's intended technique. If a component doesn't enhance a rod's performance, it doesn't belong on a Tactical Assault Revolution rod. The Pro Series Rods are the most advanced on the market in terms of "Technique Specific" selections. Years have been spent researching rod blanks, lures and bass reactions to those lures to develop rods that meet all the requirements necessary to insure the angler not only has the best advantage in lure presentation, strike detection and hook-set but also maintains control over the fish throughout the entire fish fighting and landing process. The detail of every rod built has been broken down piece by piece starting at the butt end to insure its role in rod performance. The teardrop butt end of the handle is designed to place your second hand in the exact same location on each and every two handed cast you make. This increases pinpoint casting accuracy. Two handed casting will also reduce arm/wrist fatigue over the course of a full day's fishing. The exposed blank between the butt and 2.5-inch cork handle reduces unneeded cork and adhesive that does nothing but add weight to the completed rod. Anytime weight can be removed, sensitivity is increased. The 2.5-inch cork handle is all that is needed to give the angler just enough casting handle and the tapered shape fits comfortably in the angler's hand. A simple hole drilled into the trigger serves as a hook-keeper. Exposing everything between the front and rear hood of the reel seat reduces weight and gives the maximum amount of exposed blank finger contact you will find on any rod built today. A specially designed additive for our Rod Bond® adhesive insures both reel seat components never break loose from the blank. This design has been marked the SENS-A-MAX® reel seat. With it, lightweight and sensitivity have been taken to the max. The front hood of the reel seat has just enough threads to lock tight to any brand reel without having extra threads impeding the angler's ability to contact the blank in front of the reel seat while palming the reel. You will never find a foregrip on a Tactical Assault Revolution bass rod. This again gives more direct blank contact then any rod on the market. Details such as weight, frame height, guide insert material, and how the insert is held into the frame have been taken into consideration before a guide is chosen for a Tactical Assault Revolution rod. Fuji® has a wide array of choices in guides but the best offered are the SiC Titanium guides with the Fuji New Concept Design features. Both Alconite® and SiC inserts are very well suited for bass rods. Guides from Fuji® using these insert materials are also the only guides with the J-Ring frame. This frame locks the ceramic insert in place better than any other guide design to date. The Fuji® guides are the lightest guides on the market and allow the "tip-heaviness" found in so many bass rods to be drastically reduced. In fact, Tactical Assault Revolution® rods of seven and a half feet in length can be built with a neutral balance on the completed rod without adding lead weights to the butt section. Care must also be taken in how each guide is attached to the rod. Only one double foot guide is used on Tactical Assault Revolution® rods. The remaining guides are single foot low frame. This reduces weight forward of the hand or fulcrum point. With the single foot guides, special attention must be used to guarantee the guides will never come loose from the thread wrapping. All the guides are held with quality size "A" rod wrapping thread. Two thin coats of epoxy will smoothly coat and secure the guide wrappings for a lasting permanent bond. Every Tactical Assault Revolution® Rod is built with the Revolution Rod® style of guide placement. Why? Because it is the best guide placement for competitive bass fishing. The spiral design of rotating the guides from the top to the bottom of the blank allows the rod to perform at its maximum level. If you think of the blank as a BEAM, and you place eyelets on the top of the beam then apply downward pressure or load, the beam will eventually twist. The same is true of a fishing rod with guides placed on top. When the rod is loaded as with fighting a fish the rod will twist due to the guides wanting to go to the bottom. By placing the guides on the bottom of the rod, which is the flex portion, the twisting due to torque is eliminated. This greatly increases the life of the rod since it is no longer twisting when under a load. Additional enhancements are seen in how the Tactical Assault Revolution® rod fights fish. Tactical Assault Revolution® rods control the fish while the angler controls the rod. In the end fewer fish are lost due to human error. http://www.bassrods.com
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