![]() New Hunting Bows- How BladeRunner Archery Overcame Common Compound Bow Problems In Their DesignNew Hunting Bows - BladeRunner Archery of Buford, Georgia identified and came up with solutions in the design of the BladeRunner ISO-Force 04 Hunting Bow. Couple all of these BLADERUNNER solutions together with these amazing features, and what you have is an extraordinarily smooth drawing, highly effiecient, highly manuerverable ultra compact package which results in the ULTIMATE bowhunter's dream. Here are the problems BladeRunner Archery identified and attacked in the design of their bow. Problem #1 - Limb twist, cam lean & riser bending Caused by unbalanced and disproportional loads in the bowstring, cables and limbs represents inherent bow torque, a major problem in all conventional dual and single cam bows that substantially affects performance and accuracy. Because all of the loads must be transmitted across the entire length of the bow through the riser and that the loading occurs in planes that are off-center to the geometrical centerline of the limbs and riser, limbs twist and have a tendancy to shift, cams lean from side to side and the riser bends.The necessity to utilize a cable guard rod to move the cables away from the arrow pass further aggravates these conditions. Just take a look at the exotic risers, limb clamps, complex yoke cables and aftermarket gizmos designed to minimize (not eliminate) this set of problems. Problem #1 BLADERUNNER Solution First, the BLADERUNNER design allows the top cam to create deflection in the top limb and the bottom cam to create deflection in the bottom limb. This configuration not only prevents cable forces from being transmitted through the riser and eliminating the need for a cable guard rob, but it also allows both the bowstring and cable forces to be perfectly centered on the geometrical centerline of the riser and limbs. Additionally, the cable and limb loads are not only isolated to each end of the riser, but are also isometrically balanced. This completely eliminates limb twist, cam lean and riser deflection. Problem #2 - Uneven Nock Travel Results in problems with tuning, accuracy and performance. While many bows claim to have level nock travel, the path of the arrow is not necessarily perfectly square with the bowstring and riser. Additionally, the limb twist, cam lean and riser bending mentioned above causes the nock to travel off-center in a lateral direction during the draw stroke. This occurs in both 1 & 2 cam bows and is not usually mentioned because it is considered unavoidable. Nock travel that deviates from a path that is perfectly square with the geometry of the bow will result in increased paradox ("fishtailing" and "porpoising" as the arrow tries to right itself after leaving the bow), a loss of dynamic efficiency, as well as tuning problems. Problem # 2 BLADERUNNER Solution The BLADERUNNER design places the nocking point of the arrow at the exact center of the bowstring, exactly perpendicular to the riser, and centered on the vertical centerline of the riser and limbs. The cams, cabling and bowstring system is symmetrical and works in exact synchronization. This, coupled with the fact that there is no limb twist, cam lean, or riser bending to cause lateral deviation, provides for perfect nock travel in every respect. This means less paradox and a more efficient transfer of the bows energy to the arrow resulting in better down-range velocity and penetration. It also virtually eliminates tuning problems with fixed blade broadheads. Problem #3 - Cam Synchronization Achieving and maintaining acceptable cam synchronization is a well-known problem with conventional two cam bows. This problem adversely affects bow performance and accuracy and creates serious tuning problems. Conventional two cam bow geometry using off-center nock location creates an asymmetrical effect of the bowstring during draw causing disproportional and uneven cam rotation as well as unequal loading of the limbs. This condition is further aggravated by string and cable stretch. While the introduction of the one cam bow concept provided a solution to one inherent problem associated with the synchronization of two cams, all of the other problems remained in, and in fact, some new problems arose out of the new design. Problem # 3 BLADERUNNER Solution The BLADERUNNER eliminates all cam synchronization problems by using a multi-faceted approach. First, the cams are symmetrical. Next,the BLADERUNNER is a true center-shot bow with perfectly centered nock travel. Additionally, to insure that the cams work in perfect unison and that the limbs are equally loaded. A system of synchronization spools and cables mechanically connect both cams. String or cable stretch will not affect cam and uneven cam rotation as well as unequal loading of the limbs. Problem #4 - Cam Timing Relates to the initial starting position of a cam in relation to the geometry of the bow and cabling system. Cam timing in conventional bows is critical to the bows performance and accuracy. Cam timing problems occur primarily as a result of stretch and creep in the bowstring and cables along with unequal loading on the limbs. This problem exists and must be constantly monitored on both one and two cam bows. While the one cam bow solved the problem of cam synchronization, it simultaneously introduced an entire set of new problems related to cam timing. Uneven string and cable stretch resulted in major timing problems, nock and peep sight migration,unequal limb loading, and tuning and accuracy problems. Ask yourself, how often is retuning needed? Problem # 4 BLADERUNNER Solution Again, a multifaceted approach has been used to eliminate the need to constantly address cam timing. Because the cams, cabling system and bowstring system are completely symmetrical, the limb loads equally balanced and the nock path centered, any stretch or creep affects the BLADERUNNER system equally and proportionally. The amount of stretch and creep is substantially reduced due to the dramatically short length of the cables as well as the relatively short free length of the bowstring at brace where string tension is high. The cams are designed such that any minimal change in timing as a result of stretch or creep in the string or cables will not significantly affect the dynamic performance of the bow. A loss of accuracy does not occur due to string and cable stretch or creep. Problem #5 - Need for A Cable Guard All the conventional compound bows must use a cable guard to push the cables clear of the arrow fletching. The use of a cable guard in this fashion adds to limb twist, cam lean, and riser bending. It also can represent a potentially dangerous condition should the loaded cables become unattached from the guard, or if the bow slips out of the shooter's hand. Problem #5 BLADERUNNER Solution The BLADERUNNER does not have buss cables spanning from the top to the bottom of the bow, therefore eliminating the need for a cable guard and the problems associated with its use. Problem #6 - Shock, Recoil and Noise These problems are present in many conventional compound bows as a result of the forward momentum of the limbs and cams coming to an abrupt stop at the end of the shot. The resulting shock is transmitted to the riser and other components of the bow as well as the archer's bow hand. Noise is also a result of this effect. Problem # 6 BLADERUNNER Solution The BLADERUNNER depicted the concept of placing the limbs in a near parallel position in its earliest patents. This limb positioning on the BLADERUNNER bow in combination with the isometric and balanced geometry along with a mass weight that offers increased stability without the need for an accessory stabilizer makes the BLADERUNNER an unbelievably solid, rock steady and quiet bow. The BLADERUNNER ISO-FORCE 04 Couple all of these BLADERUNNER solutions together with these AMAZING features, and what you have is an extraordinarily smooth drawing, highly effiecient, highly manuerverable ultra compact package which results in the ULTIMATE bowhunter's dream! Totally Isometric Design The archery industry has waited for many years for a truly new and innovative bow design that totally eliminates the inherent problems that exist in all 1 & 2 cam compound bows. The BLADERUNNER ISO-FORCE 04 is not just another offering of the same-old-same-old bow design or gimmicks and gizmo's that do little or nothing to actually improve bow performance and accuracy. It is truly the final generation state of the art compound bow design. The revolutionary isometric design approach to bow geometry eliminates unbalanced and off center loading and makes torque, riser deflection, limb twist, cam lean,uneven nock travel and difficulty in tuning, problems of the past. The results are an amazingly efficient, fast, consistently accurate, easy to work on, ultra compact bow. In order to fully appreciate the bows smooth draw and incredible performance, you have to try it! We invite you to contact your local dealer and experience an unbelievably exciting shooting experience! *Draw weight adjustable from 40# - 70# *Draw length adjustable from 27" - 32" by changing modules, no bowpress is needed *Strings and cables can be changed in the field without the need for a bowpress or special tools *Camo or solid colors available *One model fits all *Precision ball bearings at all cams and wheels To learn more about the BladeRunner ISO-Force 04 Contact them at the number below Bladerunner Archery 5073 Bristol Industrial Way Buford, GA 30518 Toll-Free 866-256-4499 Sales: 334-260-9610 www.bladerunnerarchery.com
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