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Wildlife Regulation Changes - Michigan


Hunting- Wildlife related regulation changes for bear and deer were passed June 2 by the Michigan Natural Resources Commission. The highlights include: Ground Blinds for Bear Hunters The NRC approved that bear hunters be allowed to place constructed ground blinds on state lands in bear management units open to bear hunting for which they have a bear license beginning Aug. 10 in Zone 1 units, and in Zone 2 units beginning Aug. 17. Blinds must be removed within five days of a bear being harvested, or within five days of the end of the bear season for which the hunter has a license. This change will be in effect for three years at which time it will be evaluated based on a variety of criteria.

Bear Baiting The NRC approved bear hunters to use certain bait containers on private lands except commercial forest lands. Bait may be placed 30 days before the start of the bear season and can be maintained through the last day of the bear season. Unlawful acts related to bear and baiting are outlined in Wildlife Conservation Order 3.205. Antlerless Deer License Fees

Antlerless deer license fees have changed. For residents the fee shall be $10 and $100 for nonresidents. Legislation gives the Department of Natural Resources director authority to reduce the price of antlerless deer hunting licenses in specific areas to help achieve the harvest of antlerless deer. The discount in fees reflects management needs to encourage taking of antlerless deer in areas where an antlerless license quota is established. Antlerless license fees can be set as high as regular deer licenses, which are currently $15 for residents and $138 for nonresidents. As established in Wildlife Conservation Order 5.110, the price of deer management assistance hunting permits and managed deer hunt permits are set as the same fee as an antlerless deer license.

All wildlife conservation orders can be found on the DNR Web site.

The DNR is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural resources for current and future generations.

Source: Michigan DNR


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